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Data protection software 2B Advice PrIME rated in iX magazine

2B Advice in iX magazine

Top position for data protection management software 2B Advice PrIME

The General Data Protection Regulation places far-reaching requirements on companies. It standardizes extensive documentation and reporting obligations, data subject rights, deletion obligations, risk assessments and much more. Violations can result in fines of up to 20 million euros or up to four percent of the previous year's global turnover, whichever is higher.

Many companies work with software-supported data protection management solutions to reduce their workload. These offer standardization, templates, samples and wizards in varying quantities and quality. In its December 2021 issue, the magazine "iX - Magazin für professionelle Informationstechnik" provides a detailed overview of data protection tools available on the market and their functions. Among the solutions presented is our data protection management solution 2B Advice PrIME.


The iX approach

In its article, iX outlines the challenges of the GDPR and cites typical problems in implementing the data protection requirements from various Bitkom studies. It identifies data protection management solutions to help with the day-to-day work of a data protection organization. iX would like to provide a market overview of common data protection tools. To this end, it wrote to the manufacturers of data protection solutions and asked them to complete a questionnaire on the individual features of the respective software. At least 13 manufacturers responded and provided information on the scope of their respective features, number of installations, price model and existing interfaces to other systems.


2B Advice PrIME compared to other data protection solutions


Most of the software solutions presented offer a product from the cloud and a monthly or annual subscription. One provider also offers a free single-user license and the option for companies to host the solution themselves. In both cases, this is us, 2B Advice GmbH. Other manufacturers do not offer this.
Of the tools that meet all the requirements for the register of processing activities, data subject inquiries, reporting obligations, data protection impact assessments, consent managers, etc., 2B Advice has by far the most instances on the market with 4,400 units.

The wheat is separated from the chaff even more quickly when it comes to existing interfaces to other IT systems. This is where most providers have to pass. 2B Advice PrIME, on the other hand, offers you an integrated REST API. REST-API stands for "Representational State Transfer - Application Programming Interface". It makes it possible to exchange information if it is located on different systems, i.e. it enables machine-to-machine communication. Thanks to REST API, it is possible to distribute information and tasks to different servers and request them using an HTTP request.



The current issue of iX provides a market overview of 13 data protection tools from different manufacturers. One product stands out in particular and is used especially frequently: 2B Advice PrIME. Take a look for yourself at the many features of our solution. 2B Advice PrIME offers further valuable support for your data protection organization with online processing, online checks, freely configurable reporting and individual web-based training. We are the only manufacturer to offer a free single-user license, which you can order here for download. Convince yourself of the quality of 2B Advice PrIME!

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