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Create a new processing activity in Ailance RoPA - in just a few minutes

Create Ailance Ropa processing activity.

The record of processing activities in accordance with Art. 30 GDPR is the core of data protection documentation. It serves both to structure the internal data protection organization and to fulfill the accountability obligation pursuant to Art. 5 para. 2 GDPR. The processing directory is also abbreviated internationally as RoPA: Records of Processing Activities. Ailance RoPA takes over the digital management of processing activities for your company with an ease that will inspire you. In this article, we will show you how you can create a new processing activity in just a few minutes with Ailance RoPA.

Creating a processing activity in Ailance RoPA

You can start a processing activity either via the "New element" menu (New Item) or via the overview of processing activities. Both methods lead to the same result, only the first steps differ. Select your preferred method and read the corresponding section below for step-by-step instructions.

Creating a processing activity via the "New element" menu

To start a processing activity via the "New element" menu (New Item), proceed as follows:

  1. Open the "New entry" menu: Click on + NEW in the left sidebar (+ NEW).
  2. Select the "Processing activity" option in the menu (Processing activity) from.
  3. Enter the required data for the processing activity.
  4. Click on Create (Create).
  5. Skip the recommended fields: In the "Clear recommended fields" dialog box, click Save and continue (Save and proceed).
Create Ailance Ropa processing activity in the menu.
  1. Fill in the other details on the "Description" tab (Description tab details) from.
  2. Fill in the other details available on the following tabs:
  • Legal basis (Legal basis)
  • Responsibility (Responsibility)
  • General information (General info)
  • Additional information (Additional Info)
  • System information (System Info)
  • Notes (Notes)
  1. Click on "Save" (Save).

Reading tip:
Create a hardware asset with Ailance ITAsMa: it's that easy!

Creating a processing activity from the overview

Proceed as follows to create a processing activity from the "Processing activities" overview:

  1. Open the "Processing activities" overview: In the left sidebar, click on PROCESSING ACTIVITIES (PROCESSING ACTIVITIES).
  2. Click at the top of the "Processing activities" list (Processing activities) to + Add (+Add).
  3. Enter the required data for the processing activity.
  4. Click on Create (Create).
  5. Skip the recommended fields: In the "Clear recommended fields" dialog box, click "Save and continue" (Save and proceed).
Create Ailance Ropa processing activity from the overview.
  1. Enter further details on the "Description" tab.
  2. Enter further details on the following tabs:
  • Legal basis (Legal basis)
  • Responsibility (Responsibility)
  • General information (General Info)
  • Additional information (Additional Info)
  • System information (System Info)
  • Data protection impact assessment (DPIA)DPIA)
  • Notes (Notes)
  1. Click on "Save" (Save).
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